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At A Glance


DATE:  The First Tuesday of Each Month

TIME:   7:00 P.M.

WHERE:  The Fellowship Hall

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Jenny Uzzell

President of the UMW



        The United Methodist Women of Sneads Ferry are more than an isolated organization within the church. They are, but a threading the fabric of Methodist women everywhere. They are connected to women throughout the world who are doing the Lord’s work through witness and a multitude of activities helping others in the name of Christ. It is faith in action.


       The Sneads Ferry division of the United Methodist Women meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. here at the Church. The agenda includes various topics of interest to the members, including but not limited to, spiritual enrichment, social issue awareness, leadership development, mission support, and community outreach. A program is provided by a different member each month, followed by discussions on various projects and upcoming events and sharing of fellowship and of course refreshments.  During the year the United Methodist Women of Sneads Ferry support many activities for members of our Community and Church Family. We’d love to have you join us!


        In February the year starts out by honoring church members who are 80 or older. Each member is recognized for their invaluable service to the church, the wisdom of their experience, and the inspiration they render.


        The March Program commemorates the Lenten Season through our program, “The Call to Prayer and Self-Denial”.


        June is the time for graduation and each graduate is honored with a monetary gift. A $500.00 scholarship is given to a deserving high school senior. In the month of June we also take the time to honor the men at a Father’s Day Banquet, thanking them for their contributions to the church and to the Christian family.


        August brings about another fund raising event, the community calendar, planning and development usually begins in August due to the amount of work required in advertising sales, additions/deletions of entries, and updating database with corrected information for the printer/publisher. (Just ask the “Calendar Girls”)


        In November, Thanksgiving Fruit Baskets are prepared and delivered to shut-ins, the elderly, and sick. Another large undertaking is the UMW fundraiser, held the Saturday before Thanksgiving featuring a Bazaar, bake sale, and dinner.


        The United Methodist Women also provide meals for families of the bereaved and church members returning home from a stay in the hospital or those who are sick or disabled.

Cards are sent weekly to the sick, disabled, shut-ins or members in need of encouragement and prayers.


        The UMW also gives gifts to missions in memory of deceased members and in recognition of members for their service. They also support other church organizations, community activities and events, in addition, support of state and worldwide missions.


        All women are welcome and invited to join us! We would love to share with you the joy of our fellowship and our love of Christ.


We are United in Christ, Methodist by choice and Women by design


We are sisters in faith, service and love.


We are United Methodist Women – Faith in Action

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