As a United Methodist congregation, we hold our beliefs in common with other parishes within the Methodist tradition. Along with our sister congregations, we are called to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” (The Book of Discipline ¶120). We strive to live out this call within and beyond the community of Sneads Ferry, NC.
To Share the Love of Christ in our Worship, Work and Witness
At First United Methodist Church, we believe that God reveals himself as a Trinity of three divine persons known as Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. We affirm that God is one, but also, three. The persons of the Trinity are inseparable, but distinct. We hold in common with other Christians the great historic affirmations of our faith: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father, the Word of God spoken before time began, who “for us and for our salvation” came down from heaven and took upon himself human flesh. He lived, suffered and died on a cross. He was buried, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven to be with the Father, from whence he shall one day return.
In the meantime, the Father and the Son have sent us the Holy Spirit to convince us of our sins and to empower us to be faithful to the gospel.
We recognize that all of humanity exists in a state of brokenness, which we call sin. We are not the people God intends us to be. However, when we place our faith in Jesus Christ, when we follow him, when we die to ourselves and rise anew with him, we begin to reflect more perfectly his intentions for us. To paraphrase from the Gospel of John, we decrease so that Christ may increase. The path of discipleship is not easy, nor is it for the faint of heart. Salvation is not instantaneous, but a journey we walk with Jesus each and every day, relying on his grace.
As United Methodists, we believe that there are certain “means of grace” which strengthen us to live the Christian life. These include prayer, fasting, the study of sacred scripture, being attentive to God in worship, Christian conferencing and engaging in acts of mercy and justice. We also believe that there are two sacramental means of grace: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. We invite you to learn more about the sacraments on our worship page.
We believe that our sacred scriptures, known as the Holy Bible, contain all that is sufficient and necessary for salvation. We believe them to be the Word of God, insofar as they reveal rather than obscure the one who is full of grace and truth, Jesus Christ.
Finally, we believe all persons are welcome. Our doors are open to all who seek Jesus, to those who wish to know him better and to those who wish to meet him for the first time.
As United Methodist Christians, we affirm that the church and her ministry are available to people of all ages, nations, and races. There are, however, different paths to church membership depending on your starting point in the Christian journey. To learn about which path is most appropriate for you, click on the tab below and answer the questions that follow.