“Give peace, O Lord,
to those who wait for you,
that your prophets be found true.
Hear the prayers of your servant,
and of your people Israel."
Entrance Antiphon
for the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
We are a parish of committed Christians who are part of the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Our congregation is located in the idyllic fishing village of Sneads Ferry, NC. At First United Methodist Church, we strive to place Christ at the center of all we do. We preach Christ. We sing Christ. We worship Christ. Most importantly, we seek to live Christ in our daily living. We invite you to come and live Christ with us. The parish office number is (910) 327-4011. You may call the office at any time, and if you don’t receive an immediate answer, please leave a message. Please feel free to email the pastor or any member of our ministry team at We will get back with you as soon as possible. If you are ill, in the hospital, in need of counseling or simply wish a pastoral visit, please let the office know or contact the pastor directly. Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to greeting you at First United Methodist Church.

As a United Methodist congregation, we hold our beliefs in common with other parishes within the Methodist tradition. Along with our sister congregations, we are called to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” (The Book of Discipline ¶120). We strive to live out this call within and beyond the community of Sneads Ferry, NC.